Friday, September 2, 2011

Potty Business: Update

Ugh!  As I mentioned recently, I have been on the hunt for the perfect potty.  I don't think we need anything fancy, just a simple, uncomplicated, ahem, chair (if you know what I mean).  However, those who design children's products do not agree with me.  No, no they want everything to be super extra special in every way.  Even the potty.

The first one I found on Amazon has a smiley face where the action takes place, and IT SINGS A STUPID SONG!  Yes, when it detects, urm, motion, it plays one of three uber-happy victory songs.  This is supposed to induce your child to go all the time because they will be so enchanted by the lovely music.  Or they will literally have the pee scared out of them when the things suddenly starts to play.

As if that were not bad enough, the second horror potty is actually Disney princess-themed.  No, no it doesn't have a picture of Snow White perched on another kind of throne (though maybe if it did I'd be more inclined to buy it just for the shock value).  It has a grouping of standing princess clustered together on the lid, but that is not it's real draw.  No, this potty's special magic comes from, you guessed it, magic potty sounds!  As if the victory song were not strange enough, this potty will go "bibitty bobbetty boo" for you when you go.  What kinds of freakish associations might these two terrible potties create in some young minds?

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