Thursday, September 29, 2011

Playing Pretend

Imagination is the word of the month at our house.  The little big girl is learning about how you can pretend things that aren't really happening.  This is a pretty significant step for a little brain, and she is taking to it like the proverbial duck to water.  It all started with me pretending to feed her dolls (whom she loves with a passion) and took off from there.  Now her favorite game is called "night night."

For some reason it's a game that can only be played with Daddy in attendance.  She sits in the middle of the living room floor, and pats the carpet while saying our "names" (Dada and Mimi).  We have to sit on the floor until she comes up to each of us and "pushes" us over.  Then we have say "night night" and pretend that we are asleep.  Sometimes babydolls, stuffed animals, or toys join us, and the baby herself goes down to sleep too.  After a minute or two, she sits up again, and we are all allowed to yawn and stretch and say "good morning!"  She will play this game as long as you are willing to continue, and her dad is especially kind about this.  If only bedtimes and naptimes could be so easy!

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