Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello My Name is Mimi

For reasons known only to her, the baby has suddenly decided to call me "Mimi".  It's always been "Mama" since before she really knew what she was saying, but for some reason it's changed.  I first started noticing when she looks at my driver's license photo (which she does a lot because it keeps her from fussing when we have to wait for things) but now she says it all the time.  One person suggested it might be her transition from saying "Mama" to the more grown up "Mommy" and she's just a bit stuck.  Whatever her reason, I find it irresistible, and she can keep using the nickname until she leaves for college if she likes.

1 comment:

  1. I have a family friend in her 50s who insisted her granddaughters call her "Mimi" instead of "Grammie" so she'd sound younger!
