Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Day of Autumn

The official change of seasons always takes me by surprise.  Around our neck of the woods, the "first day of autumn" was sunny and 80 degrees.  That just doesn't make much of an impression on your mood.  I had absolutely no desire to break out the sweaters and go buy some pumpkins.  However, just yesterday things suddenly turned.  In the morning we had my favorite soft blanket of fog, and the temps were down accordingly.  Sure we got some sun in the later afternoon, but we were still wearing our long sleeves in comfort. 

Today it is rainy and cool, and I'm must confess to being relieved to see the sun gone.  I love summer, but the glare and the heat do tend to get to a person after a while.   It was nice to be able to take the baby out for a mid-afternoon walk without worrying about her over-heating.  Then there's the food.

When cool weather arrives I feel like the real cooking can begin.  Sure, summer produce is glorious, but who wants to actually turn on the oven or the stove when it's hot out?  Now we can get stuck into soups and stews, casseroles, pot pies, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the occasional perfect pan of mac and cheese.  Warm, comforting, and homey are the words and feelings of the day.

As if on cue, my mom came over with a collection of beautiful pumpkins and other squash.  She grew these specially for the baby, who adores them, and we were not disappointed.  The first meal of steamed delicata was met with much "oooing" and lip-smacking.  Served with baked beans and sautéed chard, it was the perfect fall meal for a toddler.  It was gone in about five minutes flat.  For dessert we had absolutely perfect pears from the farmers' market.  What more could you ask for on the "real" first day of autumn?

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