Friday, September 30, 2011

A Fashionable Moment

Congratulate me! For once in my life I am fashionable! A few months ago I happened across a really attractive pair of red pants. While I do love bright colors, I normally save them for the top and leave the bottoms in some neutral shade (black, denim, khaki, more denim, etc.). These pants were so cute (and so cheap!) that I just couldn’t resist. I am not disappointed. They look great with a black or white t-shirt, and I can even dress them up with a cute top and wear them out. I even had sneaking thoughts about using them as the base for a casual holiday outfit with a dressy sweater or blouse. In short, I’m happy with my little purchase.

Then I read on MSN that red pants are one of the major fashion trends this year. Of course they featured a pair that cost roughly the annual budget of a small African nation. I thought they looked a heck of a lot like my inexpensive pair. Then, just today, I was reading Redbook, and what do you think I saw? You guessed it, a piece on the top five trends of the season, and there were red pants. Ahhh yes, I may be the least fashion savvy person on the planet, but even I get it right every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am glad you are fashionable and yet not part of the whole horrid "color blocking" trend that will surely be out of fashion in three months. Your red pants will be classic and you can enjoy them for years!
