Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Business of Being Born Review

Since my husband is away on a business trip, I've been watching all sorts of movies I would not normally be willing to inflict on him.  Romantic comedies and historical costume dramas are my usual fodder, but sometimes I throw in documentaries that I think might not be his taste.  Last night I happened upon one called The Business of Being Born about labor and delivery in the United States.  I'd seen a snippet of the movie on TV, and I thought it might be interesting.  It certainly is a subject that is close to my heart.

What a shock!  This was a piece that claimed to want educate people about the different choices available for women delivering babies.  However, all I found was a bunch of scare tactics designed to frighten, guilt, or just confuse women into one way of thinking.  One of the worst parts was the discussion of how women don't get the "real" bonding hormones if they don't have a "natural" delivery.  I guess I've just been fooling myself about my crazy love for my daughter.  I am not a fan of this movie, and I certainly don't entertain their perspective AT ALL as a result of watching. 

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