Thursday, January 12, 2012

Restaurant Review: Cuoco

I hate to be too much of a fangirl, but it's just that Tom Douglas hardly ever misses.  Lola looms large on my food landscape due to it's comfortable setting and creative use of flavor.  I sometimes dream about date and haloumi skewers and tagines with green tomato pickle.  Of course there have been misses, but that's usually when there's nothing vegetarian on offer (I'm looking at you Palace Kitchen!).  Now I have a new passion.  We had the chance to visit Cuocu the other night, and it did not disappoint.

Once again we have a very elegant, but  not stuffy ambiance.  We brought our toddler to an early reservation, and the staff were incredibly nice to us offering crayons and special sides of beets (one of her favorites).  Then there was the food.  Bread from Dalia was delicious as was the vegetarian misti they made up for us on the spot.  Then came the cappelletti.   Oh the cappelletti!  Little pockets made of perfectly delicate pasta filled with some sort of rich cheesy goodness.  When the plates came to the table, they were not exactly impressive to look at, yet a hundred plates of "modern" mac and cheese could never compete with this.  Now every time I go to dinner in Seattle I'll have a terrible time choosing the venue.  Perhaps I'll have to carry an emergency coin to help me decide.

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