Friday, January 6, 2012

Bib Care

It seems like babies are suddenly cropping up all over the place as one friend after another greets their new addition.  Today I was shopping for a gift and found the cutest little lamb bib you will ever see.  It's one of those fancy ones that's meant to catch drool and not pureed squash.  When my baby was born, I didn't understand that distinction, so my poor child went around in stained bibs all the time. 

You'd think I would have been able to keep to seperate stores of bibs, but that's harder than you'd think.  Here's my mommy tip: when the baby is using the bib for a meal, put it on backwards.  That way the stains stay confined, and can still use the "cute" side for wearing out of the house.  Also snappy bibs are much better than velcro which is a pain to wash.    Oh yes, one more thing.  When they have mouth full of peas try to stay out of the line of fire.  Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of the backwards bib thing! Awesome idea! Plus, most of the bibs have the scratchy-side facing toward the baby's neck and my boy always gets scratched from squirming.
