Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Clean Sweep

It's time to face facts.  The holidays are over, school is back in session, the relatives are gone, and your beloved husband is back to work.  Perhaps you are too.  Now there are some who love this time because it allows them the peace and quiet they love.  For the rest of us it can be a sad let-down.  I love Christmas because it pushes back the winter with all it's fun, color, and togetherness.  However, when January 2nd rolls around, there you are in the darkest part of the year.  Do not give in to the "blah's"! 

I'm getting up immediately after this post.  I'm turning on all the lights in my downstairs (this is not the time to be green) and I'm burning a lemon-scented candle (not something remotely Christmas-y).  Next I'll line up the music:  Barenaked Ladies, Dresden Dolls, and then The Squirrel Nut Zippers (yes I am old how about you?)  I will also be making a huge cup of coffee (I normally stick with tea), and I will drink the whole thing BLACK!  Once I am suitably energized, I will begin.

Out with Christmas!  Down come the ornaments (we already did the tree) down come the lights, down come the cards and other reminders of the holiday.  Once they are packed neatly in a box and headed out to the garage, I can begin on the rest.  Beds are stripped, laundry begun, counters spritzed, bathrooms too, and all the clutter is put away.  I think perhaps this is the most important part.  When I'm finished I want things to look very clean and orderly.  It feels good to get a fresh start, and this clean up job is the first real step into the new year. 

By the time I'm finished, my mental cobwebs will be gone with the physical ones.  I'll be ready to seek out some new excitements in January, and maybe find a few creative ways to get in some socializing too.  Perhaps my freshly scrubbed house will host a wine tasting or a movie night?  The possibilities are limitless.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos! You've inspired me to do the same. Baby is sleeping and coffee is brewing and once hubby leaves, it's down to business!

    Happy New Year!!

