Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sick Baby

Our day began very early (2:30am) with the baby tossing her cookies in her crib.  After clean up, changing, cuddles, and a story she went back to bed without complaint.  However, when she woke at 8am, she had another episode.  That was only the beginning.  In fact, I'm skipping a description of the rest of the morning in order to protect the sensibilities of my readers.   There can't be much sadder than a sick baby.  They just collapse against you, and wait for you to make everything better.  When you can't make them better, the recriminations start.  By lunchtime the baby was glaring at me.  Now we're following the pediatrician's guidelines and eating bananas, potatoes, and rice.  Her majesty is not pleased by this diet.  Also she is tired of drinking water and would like her milk NOW please!  Wish me luck.

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