Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers' Day '11

Well it seems that I've now been a mother for more than a year!  I still cannot believe it's really true.  Sometimes I look at our beautiful little girl and think that I must be back to being a nanny because she can't possibly be ours.  But she is!  At the top of my life list were a real career, a wonderful husband, and a baby of our own, so I feel completely spoiled.  Of course it is not easy, and from time to time it can be really difficult to look after such a busy little person.  I would not trade this job for any other one in the world.

I guess that was happy Mothers' Day to me.  Now this is one for my mom.  What made me want to be a mother in the first place, what makes me the halfway decent mother that I am (on my good days!) is the relationship I've always had with my mother.  She's not your normal type.  I've always known that she was my biggest fan, and someone that gave me armor against all sorts of trials and troubles (also mean people).  It also gave me confidence that I could do or be anything I liked.  If I can be half so good a champion for my daughter, I will be doing a marvelous job.

1 comment:

  1. Your words about your mother made me tear up! How sweet.
