Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Greenworks Cleaners

Oh noes!  There was a recent article in the Seattle Times about how green cleaners are not doing so well since the downturn in the economy.  It seems that those sorts of concerns fly out the window when faced with hardships.  I can completely understand feeling like you can't spend extra on "fancy" cleaners when you don't really have enough money to buy all your groceries. 

Still, I think it is quite sad.  I love, love, love Green Works products (no I'm not getting paid for this!) by Clorox.  I know, I know I never thought I would say that I loved anything by Clorox (who can love bleach?) but these are really effective, and they aren't harsh and nasty-smelling that the standard stuff.  Especially since the baby's come along I'm much more concerned about that sort of thing.  I did wonder at first how green these things really could be, but the Sierra Club approves of them so that helps.

I like the wipes and the laundry soap the best.  The wipes I use all over the house for quick clean ups that require a little more than just paper towel.  Kitchens and baths get a quick once over with one of these and they're presentable in about thirty seconds flat.  The laundry soap is also nice becuase it has a pleasant scent and it actually does the job!  Unlike so many other "green" cleaners out there.  Let's hope business picks up.

1 comment:

  1. I keep forgetting about this company. It's not on the middle shelves where I'm grabbing things. I should train myself better to look up higher and down lower!
