Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Winter Vaccinations

It's time once again to go out and find yourself a flu shot!  Every single doctor, nurse, and scientist I've ever talked to about flu shots is of the same opinion about these.  If you get the shot, and get it regularly, your chances of a really bad flu go waaaaay down.  This is especially important if you have little kids around you because flu is especially dangerous for them.  Some people say they think they will get the flu from the vaccine, but this is not the case.  The reaction, if you have one, is far milder than actual flu, and it usually doesn't occur again if you get another shot the next year. Many people also say that the shot is not safe due to high mercury levels.  As one friend put it, you consume more mercury in a can of tuna than you do in a vaccine, so do not fret.  Lastly, some people say that the flu is just not that bad, and they will just tough it out.  These people clearly have not had actual influenza in a while.  The real flu knocks you out not for a day or two, but for a week or more.  The real flu is vicious, and for some people, dangerous, so please don't take changes.  

While we're on this topic, do you remember when you last had a whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine?  That is another terrible illness very much on the rise especially in states where many parents refuse to inoculate their children.  While it is not pleasant for adults to catch this disease, it can easily be deadly for tiny babies.  The good news is that this shot lasts for five years, so you won't have to be back at the doctor again next year.  Please protect yourself, but also protect those around you!

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