Friday, April 6, 2012

Vegetarian Easter Menu

Many holidays have a very traditional set of dishes that must be prepared or else risk the sorrow of one family member or another.  For some reason, Easter has never been like that.  Perhaps because we are all thinking about the chocolate, we don't seem to have other set notions about what must be served.  Obviously we're not lamb or ham people, so that leaves us free to do whatever we please.  Here's what my mom and I are planning for this year:

-Potato/leek soup
-Fresh garden peas with mint
-Cloverleaf rolls
-Strawberry pecan salad with goat cheese
-Tofurky cooked over roasted spring vegetables
-Mushroom gravy with Madeira

I'm pretty happy with that menu since it's elegant and springy, but also manageable since lots of things can be made ahead.  Luckily my mom and I always split the cooking, so that makes it even easier.  My one question is, should I do dessert?  It always seems kind of silly given the amount of sugar everybody's had by that point in the day.  Would it be terrible if we skipped that part?


  1. I think you need dessert!! We make everybody eat lunch and dessert first THEN do the egg hunt where the kids crack open their candy but are already too stuffed to manage more than a few bites!

  2. Great idea! Maybe fresh strawberry pie?
