Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here we are on a brand new blog. What's the point of this one? I've been blogging for years about my life as a teacher, traveler, and newlywed. I've written posts about my vegetarianism, liberal politics, and the things I love about the greater Seattle area. However, I've just embarked on a new phase in life, and I wanted to celebrate with a new, more focused, blog.

Taking a break from my teaching job to stay at home with my new baby makes me (gasp!) a housewife. Thus I've decided to join the ranks of the housewife blogger. Does the world need my two cents? It probably doesn't, but blogging is one important way of not going crazy while I hang out at home. Besides, I think there's room for a little more feminist, vegetarian, liberal, agnostic perspective, but more on that later.

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